What you need before you start:

To use the Hub Testing Integration System (HITS), you’ll need the following:

You’ll also need a basic knowledge of SIF REST:

You need to know how to work with a use case in HITS and access the HITS API

If you get stuck: drop us a line at info@nsip.edu.au

How to implement NAPLAN results & reporting

1. Business problem

Allow jurisdictions (and potentially individual sectors) to retrieve information about the NAPLAN tests for the current cycle.


2. Use case description and pre-conditions

A Jurisdiction client connects to HITS, as a proxy for the National Assessment Platform, and obtains:

This data is then expected to be processed in local jurisdiction applications.

NAPLAN results reporting conceptual diagram

NAPLAN results reporting SIF objects

Diagrams the interactions between SIF objects for this use case.



3. Use Case Workflow

Workflow summary:

  1. Join

  2. Consume (Codeframe + Results)


3.1. Connect to NAPLAN endpoint

3.2. Consume base data

Client-facing (pull); HITS represents the National Assessment Platform and is the data source for results information.

Sample request:

GET /sifapi/some_endpoint_name HTTP/1.1
Host: example.org
Authorization: SIF_HMACSHA256 bmV3OjZUVmdZd2JBaG1RYzJ6QUxkYThadXBmcnpmcVorWEQ3ZjJiTUEwQXpXUm89Cg==
timestamp: 2013-06-22T23:52-07Z


The following is a list of calls that need to be made to consume the required information:

  1. Get test data (contains NAPCodeFrame, NAPTest, NAPTestlet, NAPTestItem objects): http://hits.nsip.edu.au/api/naplantest/large/TestData
  2. Get SchoolInfo objects: http://hits.nsip.edu.au/api/naplantest/large/SchoolList
  3. Get results data for each SchoolInfo object (contains SchoolInfo, StudentPersonal, NAPEventStudentLink, NAPStudentResponseSet, NAPTestScoreSummary): http://hits.nsip.edu.au/api/naplantest/large/SchoolData/{School RefID}. The RefID for each school is to be retrieved from the SchoolList response.

The responses to each endpoint will be provided in streamed gzip. The responses to each endpoint will be wrapped in a NAPResultsReporting element, regardless of content.

Note that all connections to the endpoints must be through SIF_HMACSHA256 authentication. This reflects the security arrangements on the National Assessment Platform. The timestamp included for SIF_HMACSHA256 authentication is validated as following xs:dateTime with Zulu time, and expires within five minutes.

More information about using the NAPLAN API is available as a user guide. Currently this is available from NSIP / ESA on request.


As there is no Produce component to the workflow, there is also no Assurance component. Any processing of NAPLAN results will be specific to the jurisdiction’s database setup, and will need to be undertaken within the jurisdiction: it is out of scope of this use case.

More information

What business problem does this use case address?

Jurisdictions need assurance that they can retrieve from the National Assessment Platform the large bulk of records associated with NAPLAN results.

Assurance pre-conditions

The following conditions also must be met:


Relevant Service Paths Supported on HITS

N/A. The endpoints do not follow normal SIF conventions for service paths.

Relevant Queries By Example Supported on HITS

None. This use case deals with the retrieval of bulk data; querying individual records from the data is not currently in scope.